Author: <span>Editor1</span>

Vote on euthanasia

Richard Willingham’s article on voluntary euthanasia (”Greens set to rejoin battle for voluntary euthanasia”, November 19, p1) raises many personal, ethical, legal and political questions. While possibly the majority of the population is in favour, legislation has hitherto been blocked by religious, legal and medical objections, although many doctors follow…

Letter from Ludwig Minelli

Ludwig Minelli , director of Dignitas wrote to John Todd, then President of Dying with Dignity Qld in 2011 about the effect of Swiss law on assisted suicide and how it might be used to improve life and death for people who want to die. We have included his letter…

Talk for Alzheimer’s Australia ACT Dementia Network – End of Life Care Planning for People with Dementia

My talk today is in three parts: It’s designed to ask you to think about why we need law reform in relation to death. I am arguing that we currently have no control over the end of our lives and this is due to the law. How we die is…

Corbell rejects assisted death move

The ACT government has knocked back a bid for an inquiry into whether legal prohibitions on assisted suicide contradict the Territory’s Human Rights Act. Lobby group Dying with Dignity ACT was officially registered in July and supports the concept of ”elective death”, where adults could seek assistance to die at…