Category: <span>Media</span>

Submission to the ACT Gov Community Consultation on Voluntary Assisted Dying

DWDACT Inc. made a submission to the recent public enquiry by the ACT Government calling for ACT citizens to provide their views to it prior to the Legislative Assembly making laws regarding this matter. Our submission was drafted using the YourSay terms of reference and also responds to the questions asked in the discussion paper provided as a basis for responses.

The DWDACT Inc. submission also adds data from the ABS about deaths in the ACT and encourages the ACT Legislative Assembly to draft legislation that is consistent with the ACT Human Rights Act.

MEDIA WATCH February 14 – 20.

Thanks this week to Tanya Battell, Mike Gaffney, Judy Dent, Angie Miller.  There have been multiple stories this about the Catholic Church ranting against assisted dying legislation in a number of places, including Ireland and Austria, but I do not want to give them more airtime than they already have.  I…