Voluntary Assisted Dying – Media Watch 3-9 Jul 22

Voluntary Assisted Dying – Media Watch 3-9 Jul 22

This week in Australia it’s all about the territories.  In the Also of Interest section note the latest update from the End of Life Law Centre at QUT and the latest newsletter from the World Federation of Right to Die Societies.

Thanks this week to Judy Dent, Tanya Battell, Mike Gaffney and World Federation of Right to Die Societies.



July 4

Dying With Dignity Queensland provides an update reminding us that the Queensland law comes into effect on January 1 2023 (exciting!) and giving advice to Queenslanders about how to prepare for it. (See Attachment 1)

Northern Territory

July 4

Under an enormous headline saying “Euthanasia Within Reach” the Northern Territory Times continues its push for the territory ban to be overturned. The article (behind a paywall) reports that Solomon MP, Luke Gosling, has vowed to restore the Territory’s rights as soon as parliament resumes this month, and Territory Senator Malarndirri McCarthy says she will also “fight vehemently” to get the ban lifted.

July 5

The ABC covers the story. Federal Labor MPs Alicia Payne, Luke Gosling to introduce legislation to remove euthanasia ban in Northern Territory and ACT

July 9

The ABC runs a story featuring long-time NT advocate, Judy Dent, who has been fighting for VAD for nearly 30 years.  It also includes remarks from Council of the Aging president, Sue Shearer. Voluntary assisted dying advocates hopeful about new push to restore territory rights after 27-year fight

The Territories

July 3

Crikey reports that Senator David Pocock of the ACT says that the vote on overturning the territories ban should not be a conscience vote because it is a vote on territories’ rights, not a vote on VAD. Call for regular vote on euthanasia bill  This report received huge coverage in regional newspapers.

July 4

Rationale, the magazine of the Rationalist Society of Australia, publishes an article about Anthony Albanese’s early support for VAD during the 1996 debate on the territories ban.  It also reports on Ton Burke’s support for the ban. (I wonder if he’s changed his mind.) When Albanese spoke up for euthanasia

July 5

The Guardian reports that key senators will support overturning the territories ban.  They include Jacqui Lambie and Tammy Tyrell, Pauline Hanson and Liberal senator Andrew Bragg.  It is likely that Luke Gosling NT MP and Alicia Payne ACT MP will co-sponsor a private members’ bill.  There will be a conscience vote. Key senators back government proposal to empower territories to legislate on euthanasia


July 7

With VAD commencing in Tasmania in October 2022 (exciting!) the Tasmanian Health Department is holding information sessions on all aspects of the scheme in Hobart, Burnie and Launceston.  Note that the Hobart session will also be live-streamed.   (See Attachment 2).

New South Wales

July 6

Blogger Kyle Smilziz runs a story about his grandfather who has severe dementia.  Kyle believes that the recently passed NSW laws do not go far enough and should cater for people like his “Pop”. ‘Silent Aussies’left behind in assisted dying change


July 4

The End of Life Law Centre at QUT provides their monthly update. This month’s edition includes comprehensive information about VAD laws across Australia, an item about withdrawing futile treatment and information about advance care planning. Recent Developments

 July 9

See the most recent update from the World federation of Right to Die Societies here.  It includes details of its forthcoming international conference in Toronto.

Information Sessions on VAD

Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 03:00:49 +0000
Subject: Voluntary assisted dying statewide information session

With voluntary assisted dying commencing on 23 October 2022, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Implementation team, in collaboration with the Voluntary Assisted Dying Pharmacy Service, Navigation Service and Commission, invite you to attend an Information Session to find out more about voluntary assisted dying and how you can become involved.

The Information Sessions will provide an opportunity to find out more about Tasmania’s voluntary assisted dying legislation. Interstate guest speakers will also speak to their experiences in supporting patients through the voluntary assisted dying process and will be available to talk to after the event.

Face-to-face sessions will be held in –

Hobart: Tuesday 16 August 2022, 6:00pm – 9:00pm at RACV Hobart Hotel

For further information and to book your place, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/368689920477

Burnie:  Wednesday 17 August 2022, 6:00pm – 9:00pm at the Burnie Arts and Function Centre

For further information and to book your place, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/368726279227

Launceston: Thursday 18 August 2022, 6:00pm – 9:00pm at the Tram Sheds

For further information and to book your place, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/368727924147

The Hobart event on the 16 August 2022 will also be livestreamed for those unable to attend in person. Simply register for the Hobart event and choose the online event ticketing option.

Please note: The live stream will end before discussion about supply and administration of the voluntary assisted dying substance commences. This is because some elements of the VAD process can only be discussed in-person.

For more information or if you have any questions about the event, please email VAD@health.tas.gov.au or visit www.health.tas.gov.au/VAD.