VAD and Dementia

VAD and Dementia

ACT to consider dementia issue

On 6 June 2024 the ACT Legislative Assembly passed a motion by Dr Marisa Paterson MLA which read in part:

“That this Assembly calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) explore the issue experienced in other VAD jurisdictions of ineligibility due to loss of capacity following the final approval for VAD access;

(b) through this work:

(i) engage a broad range of stakeholders to develop a pathway in the ACT to address this issue; and

(ii) explore models to address where an individual has lost capacity following the final assessment report, this may include Enduring Power of Attorney or Advanced Care Directives; and

(c) report back to the Assembly by the end of May 2025.”

The motion was supported by all Labor and Greens MLAs and by Liberal MLA Nicole Lawder.

Greens MLA Emma Davidson however expressed concerns: “Public conversation about decision-making capacity is likely to be stimulated by the Assembly having to provide the report Dr Paterson is calling for in May 2025, at the same time as the community is engaging in the necessary education and training before commencement of the scheme in November 2025. There is a risk this will impede community engagement during a critically important period.”