National Survey of Public Attitudes on End of Life Care

National Survey of Public Attitudes on End of Life Care

As a result of advances in public health and the development of lifesaving medical technology, Australians live longer than ever.

Unfortunately the care received near the end of life often does not reflect a person’s values, goals and preferences.

Although the majority of Australians say they would prefer to die at home most people currently die in a hospital and often in an intensive care unit.   People frequently endure unwanted aggressive treatment and suffer from inadequate management of symptoms such as pain and shortness of breath.

Additionally the end of life is often characterised by fragmented care systems, poor communication between doctors, patients and families, and enormous strains on caregivers and support systems.

The principal aim of this quality improvement program is to explore and understand the attitudes of the Australian population towards death, dying and end of life care.   Participating in this survey will help shape how end of life care is supported and funded in Australia.

This survey offers you the opportunity to put the case for elective death on the agenda.   We encourage you to do so.


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